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Last update: March 2024


Dr Machado is a health economist at CHeSS (Center for Health System Sustainability), in the Department of Health Services, Policy and Practice at Brown School of Public Health. She is also a Visiting Fellow in LSE Health at the London School of Economics and was the inaugural Harvey Chair Scholar at the Brigham and Women's Hospital, in Boston. Prior to joining Brown, she worked in the Department of Health Policy at the LSE since she graduated from Boston University with her PhD in Economics. Her research focuses on the relationship between health and wealth, and how health system design and features contribute to shaping it. She uses individual level data to quantify the effects of policy changes and individual life events on their long term outcomes, across countries and diseases. Her work on organ transplantation and cardiovascular disease outcomes has been published in journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA Cardiology, and Health Affairs Scholar.

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